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How do I log into Grcc WIFI?
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- First, locate the network by clicking on the Network Connection icon.
- Choose the GRCC Wireless or GRCC Secure network.
- Click on Connect to connect to wireless.
- GRCC Secure will prompt you to enter your credentials within a system window, while GRCC Wireless may open a browser window.
Student Email (Gmail) Your username and password is the same as your Blackboard login. Your login will be You must enter the after your username. GRCC does not provide POP, IMAP or Exchange services for student email.
how do I drop a class at Grcc? Classes are officially dropped through the Online Center or by visiting the Enrollment Center. If you unofficially withdraw or stop attending classes, the withdrawal date will be the last date of attendance as officially reported by your instructor(s).
Also question is, how do I connect to Green River WIFI?
- On the device you are connecting to GRCWIFI, open up your WiFi connections menu and connect to the network named GRC WIFI.
- Select whether you wish to connect as a Student, Employee, or Guest of Green River College:
- Accept the Green River College Acceptable Computer Use Policy
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This page shows discussions around "How do I log into Grcc WIFI?"
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