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    Vitreous shrinkage or liquefaction, which are the most common causes of photopsia, cause a pull in vitreoretinal attachments, irritating the retina and causing it to discharge electrical impulses. These impulses are interpreted by the brain as flashes.

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    While a photopsia may be a disturbing event on its own, especially if the condition comes and goes without regularity, this is not a medical problem by itself. Photopsias are typically symptoms of another condition. Some of the most common conditions leading to photopsias include: Age-related macular degeneration.

    Additionally, can dehydration cause eye flashes? Symptoms of dry eyes include irritation, excess watering, blurred vision and feeling foreign matter in the eye. As a symptom of dehydration, the best treatment for dry eye is rehydrating by drinking plenty of water. Resting the eye by blinking or shutting the eye will also help alleviate eye strain.

    Also know, what causes flashes of light in your peripheral vision?

    Small arc-like momentary flashes of light in the peripheral vision are commonly experienced during vitreous separation. The vitreous pulls on the retina which makes one think they are seeing a light but it is caused by movement of the retina. Rarely flashes are associated with a tear in the retina.

    Can stress cause eye flashes?

    Your blurry vision, eye twitching, headaches and watery or dry eyes may be caused by stress. Other stress-inducing vision issues include dizziness, eye strain, sensitivity to light, eye floaters and eye spasms.

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medical health eye and vision conditions eye flashes vision eye flashes light

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