Acording to the current diesel price is 31.0 meticais This article is dated 12/02/2008 22:39:57 Unfortunatly no price of petrol yet The price of diesel and of kerosene both fall by 20 per cent. A litre of diesel now costs 22.45 instead of 28.06 meticais, while kerosene falls in price from 19.47 to 15.58 meticais (at current exchange rates there are 26.8 meticais to the US dollar). Petrol prices fall by five per cent, from 24.32 to 23.1 meticais a litre, while the price of LPG cooking gas remains unchanged at 40.93 meticais per kilo. These prices are for sales to the public in the port cities of Maputo, Matola, Beira and Nacala, where the fuels are unloaded. Elsewhere in the country the fuel distribution companies may include their transport costs when calculating the final price. From 19/03/2009
What causes a demand curve to shift to the right?
Increases in demand are shown by a shift to the right in the demand curve. This could be caused by a number of factors, including a rise in income, a rise in the price of a substitute or a fall in the price of a complement.
Changes in factors like average income and preferences can cause an entire demand curve to shift right or left. This causes a higher or lower quantity to be demanded at a given price. Ceteris paribus assumption. Demand curves relate the prices and quantities demanded assuming no other factors change.
Subsequently, question is, what does it mean when a demand curve shifts to the left? The curve shifts to the left if the determinant causes demand to drop. That means less of the good or service is demanded at every price. That happens during a recession when buyers incomes drop.
Also question is, what are the 6 factors that can cause the demand curve to shift to the right?
The following factors determine market demand for a commodity.
- Tastes and Preferences of the Consumers: ADVERTISEMENTS:
- Income of the People:
- Changes in Prices of the Related Goods:
- Advertisement Expenditure:
- The Number of Consumers in the Market:
- Consumers Expectations with Regard to Future Prices:
What causes a shift in the demand curve quizlet?
Variables (Determinants) that shift the demand curve: Income, Prices of Related Goods, Tastes, Expectations, # of buyers. An increase in income shifts D curves for inferior goods to the left. - Prices of Related Goods: substitutes- an increase in the price of once causes an increase in demand for the other.
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