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    Crystal system: α-quartz: trigonal; β-quartz: he

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    The color is generally caused by numerous bubbles of gas and liquid in the crystal. The milky color is caused by small cavities filled with numerous small fluids and CO2 in liquid condition. It is used as a gemstone, and also called greasy quartz. When it contains minute particles of gold, it is named gold quartz.

    Also Know, how can you tell if quartz is milky? Specific Properties Crystals of certain growth forms, like artichoke and candle quartz, are always translucent to almost opaque, mostly white, and are never really clear. So most candle quartz qualifies as milky quartz. Milky quartz crystals can have a waxy instead of vitreous luster and even be dull.

    Similarly one may ask, what does milky quartz look like?

    Milky Quartz is any quartz crystal or cluster that is white in color and cloudy. The cloudy white character of the crystals is what lead to the variety name, milky. The cloudiness of milky quartz comes from microscopic inclusions of fluids that have been encased in the crystal from the time the crystal first grew.

    What does milky quartz mean?

    Milky Quartz is a gemstone that has been told for its power to relieve stress. This gemstone has lots of meanings and effects related to healing. Milky Quartz has feminine and gentle wave motion, and it gets along with anyone. It is a good gemstone for beginners, too. Milky Quartz is also called Snow Quartz.

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