The distance between the above mentioned places is 1430.3km approximately. The distance is straight path from one place to another place. There might be slight difference between the actual distance and the above mentioned distance because of the route chosen.
How expensive is it for a tourist in Croatia?
How expensive is it for a tourist in Croatia?
Croatia is not as expensive as other tourist destinations along the European Union Mediterranean area such as Italy, France or Spain. The capital city, Zagreb, is equally expensive for lodging and parking as any other EU capital. Food is still cheaper than elsewhere and better than most. Gas prices are regulated and cheaper than in the EU. Internal travel is still cheap (ferry, bus and rail). Permanent residence in Zagreb would be as expensive as in other EU capitals. Residence elsewhere in the country would be less. Residence along the coast -- where significant development has taken place -- can be as expensive as Italy, France or Spain.
How much money will you need for your trip to Croatia? You should plan to spend around kn504 (2) per day on your vacation in Croatia, which is the average daily price based on the expenses of other visitors.
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