Netherlands is the English translation of Nederland. Nederland literally means low lying land (Neder is an older word with the definition low and land means land). The Netherlands are partially located below sea level and that is the reason why it is called The Netherlands.In English and multiple other languages the country has been given the plural form, since you could say that The Nederlands exists of multiple low lying lands. This was also the case till 1815. Before that The Netherlands as a whole didnt exist.In other languages you can also see this translation of low lying lands. For example in French: les Pays-Bas, in German: die Niederlande and in Italian: Paesi Bassi.
What is the meaning of cast in stone?
cast in stone. Permanently fixed or firmly established; not subject to any amendment or alteration. Often used in the negative. The deal isn't yet cast in stone, but we're confident it will go ahead as hoped. See also: cast, stone.
To Cast the First Stone Meaning Definition: To be the first to criticize or accuse someone. Sometimes a person will use the longer expression let he who is without sin cast the first stone. This is a suggestion to not criticize others when you personally are not perfect.
Additionally, what is the meaning of casts off? Definition of cast off (Entry 2 of 2) transitive verb. 1 : loose cast off a hunting dog. 2 : unfasten cast off a boat. 3 : to remove (a stitch) from a knitting needle in such a way as to prevent unraveling.
In this manner, what is the mean of cast?
cast. A cast is the group of actors who make up a film or stage play. Cast also refers to various types of actions a person can take: if you throw out a fishing line in a particular way, you are said to cast it; if you fancy your chances in Vegas, you cast the dice at the craps table.
What the Bible says about casting the first stone?
An allusion to an utterance of Jesus in John 8:7, viz. “He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.”
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![]( is the meaning of cast in stone?)
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