• Discussion Fanatics

    It's usually added to verbs to make nouns with the meaning 'a person or thing that does something', for example: builder, farmer, sprinkler, or beeper. The -er ending can also be used to form nouns meaning: 'a person concerned with a particular thing', e.g. jeweller, lawyer, treasurer, mariner.

  • Discussion Fanatics

    a suffix used in forming nouns designating persons from the object of their occupation or labor (hatter; tiler; tinner; moonshiner), or from their place of origin or abode (Icelander; southerner; villager), or designating either persons or things from some special characteristic or circumstance (six-footer; three-

    Beside above, how does suffix er change meaning of word? Like prefixes, there are many suffixes used in the English language to create a rich vocabulary. These suffixes change the meaning or grammatical function of a base word or root word. For example, by adding the suffixes -er and -est to the adjective fond, you create the comparative fonder and the superlative, fondest.

    Herein, what is it called when you add ER to the end of a word?

    Use words ending in -er or modified by the word more to compare two items. This is known as the comparative degree. Use words ending in -est or modified by the word most to compare three or more items. This is known as the superlative degree.

    What does word with endings mean?

    A suffix (also called ending) is an affix that is placed after the stem of a word. Common examples are case endings, which indicate the grammatical case of nouns or adjectives, and verb endings, which form the conjugation of verbs.

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word words ending ending meaning nouns

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