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    According to the Spark label, consumers are urgedto drink 1-3 servings of Spark per day. Ifyou are drinking 3 servings, that is 2,250% of thedaily recommended value!

  • Spark is a simple product to take, simply stirone pouch or one scoop of spark with about 8oz of water anddrink. Also, drinking spark on an empty stomach ismore effective than right after you have eaten. You candrink 1-3 servings a day.

    Also Know, does spark give you energy? AdvoCare Spark is a sugar-free energydrink mix. It contains nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. AdvoCareSpark claims to help boost energy levels and mentalsharpness.

    Also, how many servings are in a spark canister?

    42 Servings

    Is there caffeine in spark?

    Each 8 oz. serving of Advocare Spark Energycontains 120 milligrams of caffeine or approximately theamount of caffeine provided by a single cup of brewedcoffee, according to Advocare.

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