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    Simply put, refined coconut oil is more processed, resulting in a milder-tasting oil, while unrefined coconut oil endures less processing and has a lower smoke point and deeper coconut flavor. Coconut oil in cooking has become a darling of the health food movement.

  • Discussion Fanatics

    The free from hexane and four-times filtered Carrington Farms organic coconut oil unrefined (54 fl. oz) is our best pick of unrefined coconut oil for cooking with.

    1. ??Carrington Farms Organic Coconut Oil.
    2. Viva Naturals Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil.
    3. ?Nutiva Organic Coconut Oil Unrefined.

    Also Know, whats the difference between refined and unrefined? From a very basic level, it is important to be aware of whether your oils and butters are refined or unrefined. Most of us understand that unrefined likely means it was minimally processed, while refined would indicate further refinement or processing of the oil.

    Then, is Refined coconut oil bad for you?

    At the end of the day, coconut oil, no matter how its produced or refined, is a saturated fat, and according to the World Health Organization, using unsaturated fats like olive oil or corn oil is preferable to cooking with saturated fats because of an increased risk of cardiovascular disease.

    What should I look for when buying coconut oil?

    The taste and smell of a true coconut oil is faint and should smell like youre cracking into a fresh coconut. If your oil has a roasted or nutty smell, that means it has been heated to at least 115 degrees Fahrenheit, meaning it is no longer raw. This strips the coconut oil of a good amount of its major nutrients.

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