• Discussion Fanatics

    Pros of Living in Ericeira

    ✅ Very safe

    ✅ Fast internet

    ✅ Lots of fun stuff to do

    ✅ Warm in the spring

    ✅ Good air quality on average

    ✅ Nomad List members liked going here

    ✅ Many Nomad List members here all year round

    ✅ Spacious and not crowded

    ✅ Very easy to make friends

    ✅ Very easy to do business

    ✅ High quality of education

    ✅ Roads are very safe

    ✅ Great freedom of speech

    ✅ Democratic

    ✅ Everyone speaks English

    ✅ Very safe for women

    ✅ Family friendly

    ✅ Very friendly to LGBTQ+

    Cons of Living in Ericeira

    ❌ Too expensive

    ❌ Gets cold in the winter

    ❌ Hospitals are bad

    ❌ Many people smoke tobacco

  • Discussion Fanatics

    This is another beautiful place in Portugal that got too crowded overhyped, and expensive unfortunately

  • Discussion Fanatics

    We play hopscotch with the dog turds on the streets and sidewalks. Ericeira is amazing and beautiful, our favorite place, but they need more grassy patches for dogs, with baggies and trash. They also need a cleanup crew like in downtown Lisbon to wash the poo and poo streaks off the cobblestone. It's very dangerous to walk your own shoes into your home, especially if you have kids who will then contract flesh-eating bacterias from feces, such as Staphylococcus Aureus. Too many people will just let their dogs defecate right in the middle of the walkways, and just walk away not even batting an eye. Even those who do pick up after their dogs, it leaves a nice streak, which then hardens into the ground for weeks, eventually turning into a layer of brown dust that covers the sidewalks. Other than this, I highly recommend Ericeira. It's one of the best places to live in Portugal. They just need to start being responsible with da poo.

Where is it?

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