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What languages are spoken in Ecuador?
What languages are spoken in Ecuador?
The major language spoken in Ecuador is Spanish, with around 98% of the population speaking it as either a first or second language. The other two percent speaks various Amerindian languages.Quichua, an Inca language, is spoken by the Indian population. Besides Spanish, ten native languages are spoken in Ecuador. English is the most spoken foreign language amongst tourist providers and professionals.Mainly Spanish. Also Quechua.cet uwa and spanishYes. It is the second most spoken language in Ecuador.23Spanish but some people that live in the mountains have their own language, QuichuaQuichua an Inca Language, but today most spoken is SpanishYes, it is.Español (Spanish). Ketchua is the main language spoken by the rural people. It is also very popular.Spanish.SpanishSpanishSpanish, Quechua and various Amerindian languagesecuadorianNot many people in Equador speak Fernch.There are three languages Spanish, Quichua, and Inca.SPANISHthey just speak spanishSpanish and Quechua
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