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Open up iPhoto and click on any image. Clickingon the desktop button at the bottom will set thisimage as your desktop background. Selectmultiple images using shift-click (if they are in a row) orcommand-click (if they are separated by other photos), and clickthe desktop button.
Change your desktop picture from Photos
Secondly, how do I get multiple desktops on my Mac? Using Multiple Desktops in MissionControl Move your mouse to the top of the screen, where it says“Desktop 1” and “Desktop 2”,and youll see two desktops revealed. You can actually dragwindows to one of these desktops, if you want, then switchto the window by clicking it.
In this way, how do I put multiple pictures on my desktop background?
Just as you can right-click on an image andset it as the desktop background, you can selectmultiple images (by holding down the Shift key or Ctrl keywhile clicking on the images) and select Set asdesktop background.
How do you make your desktop background a slideshow on Mac?
In OS X for the Mac, go to the Apple menu toSystem Preferences and click the Desktop and Screensavericon, or just right-click on the desktop and select ChangeDesktop Background. On the Desktop tab, select thefolder of pictures you want to use from the list on the left sideof the box.