• Discussion Fanatics

    A crow by its shape and voice, calling harshly, confrontational. The buzzard loses its position, crow coming in and out of its path in messy circles, cawing. The buzzard is repelled, twice the size or more but unable to manoeuvre quickly enough. Its power in size diminished by the crows aggression and agility.

  • Discussion Fanatics

    In the United States, when someone refers to a buzzard, it means a turkey vulture, a member of the New World vultures. Elsewhere in the world, a buzzard is in the same family as Old World vultures – Accipitridae – in the Buteo genus. In North America, the Buteo genus refers to hawks or buzzard hawks.

    Likewise, what is a buzzard look like? It is covered with bare, red skin. The head of the buzzard is disproportionately small in comparison to its body. The feet and the legs are orange, and the hooked bill is dull yellow.

    Similarly one may ask, what is the difference in a buzzard and a vulture?

    In North America, a vulture is a vulture, a buzzard is a vulture, and a hawk is a hawk. In the rest of the world, a vulture is a vulture, a buzzard is a hawk, and a hawk is sometimes a buzzard, though there are still other birds with the name hawk that would not be called buzzards.

    Do buzzards eat dogs?

    Predatory animals (and scavengers as well) typically feed on herbivorous animals. The flesh of an herbivore is much tastier. And so turkey vultures often pass on carcasses of cats, dogs, and coyotes. They will, however, eat such carcasses in the absence of more desirable food.

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hobbies and interests birdwatching buzzard vulture north america world vultures world

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